The Israel Sport Center for the Disabled is one of the world pioneers in the field of sport rehabilitation. Founded in 1960, the ISCD is a home away from home to around 2,500 Israelis of all ages, many with devastating injuries. We were founded on the principle that sport activities contribute more to the confidence, morale, and self-image of those with disabilities than any other form of rehabilitation. The programs at ISCD strengthen both mind and body while providing a place of fun and comradeship.
Today, ISCD athletes participate in 20 different sports activities.
• Pre-School Program serving disabled children between the ages 3-6. Our kindergarten is famous for its holistic approach, providing physical, occupational and speech therapy.
• Children and Youth Programs include aquatics, track and field events, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair tennis, disabled table tennis, para-cycling and more.
• Competitive and Paralympic Sports Programs are one of the most successful one of the most successful in the world. Our athletes compete in more than 20 disciplines, receiving hundreds of Paralympic, European and World Championship titles.