UK Friends of the Israel Sports Centre for the Disabled (ISCD) are proud supporters of the world renowned Centre. Founded on the principles of Sir Ludwig Goodman at Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, England, the Centre produces extraordinary rehabilitation through the magic of sport. At the Centre small achievements grow into big victories. ISCD welcomes all members, regardless of race, creed or religion, helping them to lead active, productive and happy lives.
We at British Friends of ISCD are dedicated to helping the Centre achieve their uplifting mission by offering financial support. All donations go directly to the Centre.
If you’re a UK taxpayer:-
a) FISCD can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your donation. This means that a £1 donation is worth £1.25 to the charity.
b) If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also claim back the difference between higher rate and basic rate tax on the value of your donation. For a 40% rate taxpayer, that means for every £1 you donate, you can claim back 25p in tax relief.
You should always seek your own tax advice.
FISCD Golf Day
26th September 2019